Meijo UniversityFaculty of Law

Fostering Human Resources with a "Legal Mind" to Build a More Harmonious Society

In today's world, we are constantly required to make decisions in all manner of life situations. To make these decisions without being narrow-minded or overly complacent, we need knowledge that is wide-ranging and accurate. We also need to acquire skills that enable us to discuss issues and share values with others, as well as the sensibility to comprehend and respond to changes in society. In the Faculty of Law, we foster human resources with a "legal mind" (i.e., the ability to think like a lawyer) and the ability to solve complex problems in modern society. The Department of Legal Science offers the Public Administrative Course for those aiming to become civil servants and the Legal Professional Course for those aiming to become specialists in the legal profession.

Departmental Information

Students learn about subjects such as black-letter law, civil law, business law, public policy, and international relations in order to become generalists in law who are able to participate actively in all spheres of society.