Meijo UniversityFaculty of Business Management

Considering the Future of Various Organizations and People by Studying Everyday Affairs and International Events

The study of business economics covers not only private companies but also various other organizations, such as local governments, schools, and NPOs. The actions and feelings of consumers and ordinary citizens are also investigated. And issues that are both familiar to the public and in the media spotlight--issues such as how the European financial crisis and the rapid growth of Asian countries affect local companies and business establishments--are also examined. Studies such as these foster highly capable human resources who have practical skills, a broad education, a well-rounded character, and creative intelligence imbued with a pioneering spirit.

Department of Business Management,Department of International Business Management

Departmental Information

Department of Business Management

To foster practical skills and knowledge pertaining to business management, the Department of Business Management offers three courses: Management, Accounting and Finance, and Marketing.

Department of International Business Management

After gaining an understanding of the essence of business management, students will acquire specialized knowledge, improve their foreign language proficiency and information processing abilities, and broaden their global perspectives and knowledge to become global citizens.