トップページ/受賞 理工学部の道正泰弘教授にベトナム国立交通運輸大学から国際会議の基調講演者としての参加証明書
受賞者 |
道正 泰弘(理工学部環境創造工学科教授)
受賞名 |
授与団体・学会名 |
UTC (University of Transport and Communications, 国立交通運輸大学*1) *1 本学協定校
受賞日 |
受賞テーマ |
Dissemination of Technic for Concrete Using Low-quality Recycled Aggregate to Achieve a Sustainable Environment: Examination on Design Method and Validity of Recycled Aggregate Concrete (持続可能な環境を実現する低質再生骨材を用いたコンクリート技術の普及: 再生骨材コンクリートの設計法と妥当性に関する検討)
In sincere gratitude for shaping your valuable knowledge in the keynote speech during the 4th International Conference on Sustainability in Civil Engineering (ICSCE 2022) held at Hanoi, Vietnam *2 *2 https://icsce2022.utc.edu.vn/ https://icsce2022.utc.edu.vn/keynote-lectures 国際会議には研究室の大学院生2名も参加しました。投稿論文数は162編,発表論文採択数は120編でした。これらは,A,Bの2ランクに分類され,AはJournal of Materials and Engineering Structures(JMES), BはConference Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer)に採択となりましたが,Aに大学院生1名 Duc Nguyen Anh (グェンアン ドゥク)君(D3)の論文*3が採択されました。なお,Aの採択は,Keynote speaker,一般講演者あわせて最大30編,Bは最大90編です。 参加国:アルジェリア, ポルトガル,ベルギー,ブラジル,ブルガリア,カンボジア,台湾,韓国,フランス,ロシア,ミャンマー,日本,中国,ベトナム。 *3 Duc Nguyen Anh, Yasuhiro Dosho, Huynh Nguyen Van and Akio Ogawa:Performance Improvement of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Using Fly Ash and Portland Blast-furnace Slag Cement Abstract: This study focuses on resource recycling, low carbon emissions and environmental safety as a sustainable environment to reinforce concrete works, particularly in civil engineering buildings. It also presents the examination results of the design method and validity for the active use of low-quality recycled aggregate concrete to decrease waste generation, reduce CO2 emissions and ensure environmental safety. Consequently, it was confirmed that the water-cement ratio could be set based on safety reasons for the production of recycled aggregate concrete-Class M using the aggregate replacement method at all ready-mixed concrete plants. This was achieved by employing the strength reduction ratio obtained from the difference between the relative water absorption of normal-weight concrete and that of recycled aggregate concrete.